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Strava: conditie, vermoeidheid en vorm.

Strava betalen of gratis?

Er zijn weinig fietsers die van de betaalde versie gebruik maken, immers de gratis versie is goed genoeg. Mocht je echter meer willen, en beter gaan trainen dan zijn er een aantal functies interessant. Zo is er de meting Fitness & Freshness. We kunnen dit vertalen naar fitheid en frisheid maar wat wordt er mee bedoeld. Binnen deze functie wordt er naar 3 factoren gekeken, conditie, vermoeidheid en vorm.

De gegevens van Joop, afgelopen 12 maanden

De eerste 2 geven als resultaat de vorm, immers hoe hoger je conditie en hoe lager je vermoeidheid des te beter  de vorm is. Tevens geeft deze functie meer inzicht in het moment weer te gaan trainen. Op deze manier kun je er ook voor waken overtraind te raken. Het volledige verhaal kun je hieronder verder lezen;


Fitness & Freshness, our Premium heart rate analysis feature, is now available to runners and multi-sport athletes. Cyclists love this heart rate and power meter data deep dive, and we’re excited to bring it to all activity types. It’s a great tool to chart your improvement over time and show up to races and big events in peak shape.

This popular Strava feature has been requested by athletes who record their heart rate for all types of fitness activities. Whether you do a virtual ride on a trainer or run laps around a track, as long as you use a heart rate monitor along with a GPS activity it will appear in your graph on

Fitness & Freshness shows your current fitness score and how it’s changed over the past seven days. Easily toggle your fatigue and form scores on to get a different look at your strength gains over time. And filter between cycling, running, and all sports to see how different kinds of training impact your Fitness & Freshness levels.

If you’ve logged a lot of activities with a heart rate monitor before, you’ll see these graphs the first time you visit Fitness & Freshness, along with red circles to indicate races. And if you start logging your heart rate now, you’ll begin to see how your fitness changes over time after about a half dozen uploads. You’ll learn what your baseline is, when to rest, and when you can push it.

We realize if you haven’t been using a heart rate monitor, this feature can be tricky to figure out. So we’ve pulled together a few examples of how athletes in our community are putting this tool to work.

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